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Created 24-Mar-15
Modified 5-Dec-24
Visitors 14
These designs represent some of the artwork I have created over the past ten years. I've worked with individuals, small businesses and even international organizations to provide compelling graphics that grab attention and communicate the message.

I look forward to working with new clients, helping them organize and market their events, products and services.
Inayan Combatives Graphics - 11" x17" Poster, Half Page Flyer, Photography2017 Tournament Package - 11" x 17" Poster, Medals Design, T-shirt Graphics, Hero Web Image, LogoEvening on the Avenue Campaign2016 Tournament Package - 11" x 17" Poster, Web Graphics, Updated Logo, T-shirt Graphics, MedalSeminar Flyer - Graphic Design & PhotographySeminar Flyer - Graphic Design & PhotographySeminar Flyer - Graphic Design & PhotographySeminar Flyer - Graphic Design & PhotographyBook Cover DesignPromotional GraphicsPromotional GraphicsBook Cover Illustration & Design2015 Tournament Package - Web Graphics, Logo, Poster, T-shirt Design